All changes to landscaping must be approved by the Landscaping Committee.

If you have an existing home that was not destroyed by the Waldo Canyon Fire, you need to use the “Existing Home & Landscaping Application Form”, found in the Construction Portal.

If you have a new home that was constructed after the Waldo Canyon Fire, you need to use the “New Home Architectural & Landscape Approval Form“, found in the Construction Portal

Please submit the application to:

Hammersmith Management Inc., 1155 Kelly Johnson Blvd. Ste. 495, Colorado Springs, CO 80920


  • The Parkside ACC Landscaping Guidelines. located in the Document Center/Construction Documents on the main menu. The Parkside HOA is recommending Xeriscaping with drought-tolerant plants. A list of plants, trees, and irrigation equipment can be found in the Guidelines.
  • IMPORTANT! FOR ANY CHANGES TO LANDSCAPING ON EXISTING OR NEW HOMES: Please read the Colorado Springs Fire Code Ordinance 12-111 passed by the Colorado Springs City Council in January, 2013. Everyone (owners & landscapers) must abide by the Ordinance or landscaping will have to be removed per the Colorado Springs Fire Department. The Ordinance can be found in the Construction Portal.

If you have any additional questions that are not addressed on the Guidelines, please contact Hammersmith Client Services and your question will be directed to the appropriate person.