Parkside Grounds Maintenance Contractor Responsibility or Homeowner Responsibility?

Even some of us Parkside old timers are unclear as to what we can expect our Grounds Maintenance Contractor to do, and what maintenance we as homeowners are expected to do. With so many new neighbors, we thought it wise to publish a short letter of explanation.

Monarch Landscaping has done our grounds maintenance for several years now. Below is a list of those tasks that Monarch is contracted to do (as part of your monthly assessment). Periodically, Hamersmith or the Board can contract Monarch for extra services to be performed for additional fees.

Monarch Responsibilities

1) Mow the turf weekly during the growing season. (If there’s a bunch of dog poop on the grass, it may not get mowed that week!)

2) Complete maintenance on the Community Irrigation System, to include the clocks/timers, connections to the city system, connections to your sprinklers, sprinkler heads, drip systems, broken pipes, etc. Activating the system (now being done) and purging the system in the fall. Of course, this applies only if you are connected to the central irrigation system, and every household should be connected before too long.

3) Periodic cleanups of all areas, to include lots, roads, and cul-de-sacs. Remove leaves, pine cones and needles, and trash.

4) Tree spraying to control diseases community-wide. (This may not be Monarch, but another contractor.)

5) Tree trimming and removal in the common areas outside the perimeter fence along Flying W and Champagne, and in the internal common areas.

6) Aerating, fertilizing, and applying disease and weed control chemicals on turf areas and rocks, as needed.

7)) Snow removal.

Homeowner Responsibilities

1) Trimming and removing dead and dying trees and bushes on your lots. This includes removing all dead flowers and stems from personal vegetable and flower gardens year-round, especially in the fall.

2) Replacing dead and dying turf/grass on your lots. It is almost impossible to grow and maintain healthy grass in tree shaded areas. South facing slopes are also not friendly to healthy grass. You may have to do some supplemental watering in difficult areas. You may also have to do some terracing to eliminate steep slopes. (Monarch ensures your turf/grass gets watered and mows it regularly…it is not their responsibility to ensure you have a beautiful lawn.)

From Your Landscape Committee